Splice & Splatter
The film podcast where classic horror meets modern gore! Join hosts Al LaFleur (they/she) & Siena Sofia Bergt (they/she) as they share behind-the-scenes stories, pull back the curtain on movie making tricks of the trade, peel back the history of horror, and spill all the gory details on how your favorite horror movies were made!
Splice & Splatter is presented by the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe, New Mexico. More info at jeancocteaucinema.com
Podcasting since 2023 • 38 episodes
Splice & Splatter
Latest Episodes
Re-Animator (1985) x Hellraiser (1987)
They have such sights to show you! Al & Siena are reaching for reagent and summoning cenobites in this necromantic and nutty episode on RE-ANIMATOR (1985) x HELLRAISER (1987)! Hear which colorful '80s classic was originally intended to be s...
Season 2
Episode 38

The Love Witch (2016) x Elvira: Mistress of The Dark (1988)
It'll be a guaranteed standing ovulation! Al & Siena are purveyors of pulchritude in this seductively sorceress-filled episode on THE LOVE WITCH (2016) x ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK (1988)! Hear why old-school 35mm rear projection looks be...
Season 2
Episode 37

Silent Hill (2006) x Possession (1981)
Not so silent anymore! Al & Siena are pausing for Pyramid Head and screaming in subways over SILENT HILL (2006) x POSSESSION (1981)! Hear how 165 unique sets were blended to create the setting of Silent Hill, learn what direction Isabelle A...
Season 2
Episode 36

The Blair Witch Project (1999) x Creep (2014)
We have enough battery power to run a small country here! Al & Siena are cracking open the camcorders and taking some tubby time in this episode on THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999) x CREEP (2014)! Hear what cardinal rule of production design ...

Interview With The Vampire (1994) x Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
They have crossed oceans of time to find you. Al & Siena are vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires in this extra thirsty episode on INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (1994) x BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (1992)! Hear how Stan Winston...
Season 2
Episode 4